Prohibited Automated Access

Anti-Scraping Policy

At, we are committed to protecting the integrity of our platform, intellectual property, and customer experience. To ensure fair use of our services and safeguard our content, the following restrictions apply:

1. No Unauthorized Automated Access

You may not use any automated means — including but not limited to bots, spiders, scrapers, crawlers, or scripts — to access, extract, copy, or monitor any part of without our prior written consent. This includes, but is not limited to, product listings, pricing data, images, reviews, and other metadata.

2. Legal Enforcement

Any such activity is strictly prohibited and may violate applicable international laws, including but not limited to:

U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – European Union)

We reserve the right to restrict access, suspend accounts, and pursue legal action against any individual or entity found to be violating this policy.

3. Good-Faith Exceptions

Recognized search engines and indexing services acting in accordance with our robots.txt file and accepted industry practices are exempt, unless otherwise directed by Stuffgoodies LLC.

4. API or Partner Access

If you are seeking permission to access our content for integration, research, or partnership purposes, you must obtain prior written approval. Please contact us at to discuss authorization.

Stuffgoodies | 🛡️ Anti-Scraping Policy – FAQ

🛡️ Anti-Scraping Policy – FAQ